DebConf21 Moves Online

April 3, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s DebConf will once again be held online. The exact dates are yet to be determined, and will be announced later. However, you can expect DebConf21 to happen during the 3rd quarter of 2021, i.e. that period of the year traditionally known as “DebConf time” :-).

We need a team to make DebConf21 happen. We built some basic infrastructure for online DebConfs last year, but surely we can do more this year. If you want to make DebConf special, or just want to help make it happen, please volunteer and propose your ideas to the mailing list.

Among other things, we need volunteers for:

Stay tuned for further news about DebConf21 as they are announced, and for news about DebConf22+ as decisions are made.

Antonio, for the DebConf team.